Aspirants, Today we are sharing question asked on SSC MTS Exam which was held on 17th September 2017. These questions are the memory based
questions from the appeared candidates.
If anyone want to share question please send to us our official mail id or comment on comment section.
SSC MTS Shift –I, 17-09-2017
1. How many writs are there in the constitution? Five
2. "Ace"
word is related to which game? Tennis
3. What is
nephron? functional units in the kidney
4. Who is
the Writer of unaccustomed earth book? Jhumpa Lahiri
5. How many
layers of environment? Five
6. Who
Discovered Venn Diagram? John Venn
7. Who
established Azad hind fauj? Subhas Chandra Bose, Rash Behari Bose
8. Which of
the folloing is luminous body? Planets, Starts, Sun, burning Candle? Planets
9. What is
the cover of air around the earth is Called? Atmosphere
10. Who
discovered cathode rays? J. J. Thomson
11. Soda ash
is also known as? Sodium Carbonate
12. Which of
the following is not part of Indian gov.?
13. One
question related to Pradhan mantri jivan jyoti bima yojna
14. Question
on factor of production.
15. 90
degree latitude is known as ? Poles
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